Originally Posted by castnblast
I'm pretty sure most jurisdictions in Canada discourage guides from carrying a rifle unless they are also licensed to hunt the species being pursued by the client. The obvious exception that I know about is Yukon grizzly bear guides, who are required to carry a rifle when accompanying a client. But that rule is often ignored because grizzly are often hunted as a species of opportunity in the Yukon. The BC grizzly hunt was shut down, and I'm not sure what the rules are in the NWT. Very few if any guides are allowed to carry hand guns in Canada. It would scare our government too much. Wilderness handgun carry permits are theoretically possible, but are difficult to get approved.

No truth to this^ at all. At least in western Canada. I've been guiding professionally for 34-years in BC & Yukon. Every experienced guide I have ever known packs a rifle. Any that dont, are irresponsible. One of a guides responsibilities is to keep his clients safe. Even black bears can be dangerous. Moose also. Ethically, a guide should also be capable of killing a wounded animal if required. Yukon guides are not REQUIRED to carry a rifle, but you are nuts if you dont. Yes guides are allowed to carry handguns. Few want to do the paperwork, even though it really isnt a big deal. Yes I have done it, and carried a handgun legally for many years. Not sure where you got your info, but its very inaccurate.