China will take Taiwan. The Chi-coms own Biden and they can say they somewhat kinda sorta have a claim to it. Who will intervene? Yeah, some nations may complain about it, such as Australia and Japan, and maybe England, but who would seriously challenge them? Answer is no one. The U.S. from day one has been the protector of Taiwan. The Chi-coms have compromised many Dems in the House and Senate as well as have bought off Biden. If Trump was in office, this would be an entirely different situation. In my opinion, for what it is worth, they will move on Taiwan before the U.S. midterm elections. This will be done before then just to be sure the Dems have the power they now currently enjoy. If the Repubs gain serious control of the House and Senate then, it will be too late to do anything about it after the Chi-coms take control. They will do so probably within the next year and no later than the next year and a half. That's how I see it.

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