Originally Posted by simonkenton7
What a hog. So they put a mentally ill female on the cover and in her interview she talks about her psychiatrist. Good God.

"My relationship with my body has always stemmed from my relationship with my mental wellbeing," Hasselhoff explained. "With May being Mental Health Awareness month, I feel empowered to be able to wake up and know that I get to live unapologetically myself. I hope to inspire women to face their fears of the unknown and to lead a life of purpose in which your body does not define you."

interpretations is "I sometimes feel bad about being fat but am too lazy to do anything about it, instead I'd rather all the other fatties get together with me and we tell each other it's ok to be like this and we need to force the rest of the word to adapt to us. I can justify it by doing the same to other fat young girls so we all pretend it's ok. we can talk to a shrink as well because deep down we know we are lazy POS and we need them to deal with that for us" cue the addiction followed by OD in 5 years or less.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.