Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Something about it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Where does it say that? Who said it? I wonder if Osteen knows about that verse.

Perhaps Osteen would say that such things are impossible with man, but with God all things are possible?

The thing about those who fail to preach sin is they also inevitably fail to preach grace. The Gospel of our Lord Jesus is one of grace and pardon from a sin so serious that God had to die to redeem us.

That isn’t a Gospel that yields the sorts of book sales and net worth that Osteen is wed to and illustrates much about what our Lord was teaching in the quote mentioned above.

Of course if there is no hope for Osteen there can be done for me or anyone else because we’re all equally lost when God is made the comparison and not men. Praise God that grace is greater than anything Osteen has ever seen fit to preach.