Originally Posted by JSTUART
I cut for myself, the amount I cut each load generally fetches between $250-$300 per load depending on who you purchase from locally ...it costs me $25 to cut and transport to my back yard.

That's about $150-$230 US dollars! Not sure what your load is but a full size pickup truck here is about a 1/2 a chord of wood and at least out at our camp in WV it would run you $75-$90 depending on when you bought it. Usually red oak so good burning stuff.

I got lucky a few years ago and the power company came through trimming the lines. And trim they did! Cut a bunch of 20" and larger stuff. None of the folks on our road wanted it so I cut it all and split and stacked and covered and we didn't need to buy any wood for 5 years. We sold the camp this year and there was still almost a chord there.

I did learn a lesson though and was glad I was wearing chaps. All it took was a second and if I hadn't it would have been a bloody mess.

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