Originally Posted by Theoldpinecricker
For quite awhile non tactical hunting rifles were easy to obtain and not in extreme demand. But currently theres absoluteky nothing for sale, it seems little in the way of new production and ever its all expensive. Id like to know why theres such a demand on our "Fudd" rifles that were once everywhere and much more available. Why are hunting rifles suddenly in demand unlike 5-10 yrs ago?

Just wondering. Ive been trying to find some new left hand bolt guns but thats like finding a new element that doesnt yet exist. It just seems shocking to me that sporting hunting rifles are so hard to come by.

What's odd is why people always have to buy "new" when there are great used rifles out there...

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.