Originally Posted by ldholton
Stupid City f***** don't need one anyway. Next f***** that use the word fud should be beat to death with a rock

Yup, along with boomer. Cocky fuggers must think they’re never gonna get old. I got news for ‘em, and it ain’t good.

I have no idea where all these “fudds” are hiding out. I haven’t run into any, and I spend a good bit of time at the range with other shooters. Some people just have have someone to feel superior to, so if they don’t have any handy, they just make some up. Might spring from not having enough cash for anything but cobbled-together cheap ARs , tacticool t-shirts, and tough-guy bumper stickers.

Last edited by Pappy348; 04/21/21.

What fresh Hell is this?