Maybe it’s better to take them on when it is 350 warheads vs 6000 instead of waiting for them to catch-up. They are acting exactly how one would expect - trying to “save face” when they f’ed up with the virus. Have to say though, that it’s hard to put all the blame on them, the US was finding the crap, whether “official” policy or not. We are complicit at some level as well.

They want to rule the world. Either they have a revolution internally or there will eventually be armed conflict at some level. Their demographics are working against them - they need to advance their agenda.

We had four presidents sell us out to them. The first Bush was the worst - he started this crap. He loved those red bastards after being the “de facto” ambassador to China. Then Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama just did more of the same. They never were our friends - it is a communist dictatorship- but that’s not how our leaders acted. We empowered an enemy. Greed, greed, greed - blame it on the power of corporate America. We sold ourselves out. Now we have a real problem. I could see this 30 years ago when I was in college.

It has been obvious for a long time. But we used tax payer money to subsidize gain of function research (with bio weapon implications) at a lab owned by a government now threatening war on the US. Why aren’t heads rolling right now?

At the same time, we have royally messed up our relationships with Russia. Look, Russia isn’t perfect, but they are a hell of a lot less scary than the Soviet Union. I grew up in the 70-80s, they were scary. Fall of the Berlin Wall was a great thing, and I think it was us that blew the subsequent goodwill.

Russia would be fine if we stopped screwing with them. No reason we should be getting between Russia and the Ukraine. This is all from new world order/neocons/rinos/dems and liberal Eurotrash. Personally, I don’t want an American Empire. If Russia can keep peace in their sector, including the muzzies therein, have at it. At least we don’t have to do it. Our crap relations with Russia do little to help our leverage on China.