While I don't want to appear to be supporting the old wankstain, there is really nothing all that wrong with the first video, at least by one common way of looking at it.

The Social Contract theory of government states that we as free beings enter into a contract with government, abrogating certain rights in exchange for certain securities and services. For instance, we abrogate the right to drive a vehicle anywhere and anyway we see fit when we agree to follows the state's traffic laws and pay for a license to drive. I'm not saying this theory is necessarily right; it certainly isn't the only theory of government. However, it is one of the main theories out there.

Another example would be the Draft. We don't have a draft now, but everyone understands how it works. By being a citizen, you allow the government to conscript you for military service. You agree to serve, abrogating a slew of basic rights for the duration of your service.

As I said, I don't want to support Joe, but that video made some sense to me.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer