Originally Posted by las
No ammo for hunting season? This story from a now deceased friend should give you a smile.

Gaylen was a first year teacher in a Native village one room school. Come October, Chief John opened the door and bluntly stated, "Teacher, I need take the kids out of school".

"Oh, f**k what did I do?", Gaylen thought. and asked why the kids were needed.

"Caribou come - need kids carry meat".

"Well how about just the older kids?"

"No, need all kids"

"Even the little ones?"

"Big kid, big piece of meat, - little kid, little piece of meat".

They got the kids dressed and out the door, when Gaylen had a thought. "Chief John, how about I go along. We can teach some lessons about anatomy when we butcher, and I can count it as a field trip. , and I don't lose a day of school."

Chief thought a moment, then said "Good idea, Teacher". At the door he paused and said "Why don't you bring your big gun, too. Maybe you shoot caribou!"

Gaylen had a .300WM - the villagers had, at most, 30-30's.

The whole village excepting any sick or infirm, turned out on the river bank. Men in the front edge of the willows, women and kids farther back out of the wind.

When the first few caribou came over the bank, the chief explained that they needed to let the pathfinders go by first so as not to divert the migration. After awhile he pointed out a fat bull and told Gaylen "You shoot that one".

And so it went for several magazines full.

"OK" , that's enough".

Gaylen realized no one else had killed anything, but everyone was all smiles, so he wasn't too up-tight about it.

Having been a cop tho, he was suspicious. Over the next week or so he asked a few discreet, indirect questions, and sure enough.

There wasn't a round of ammo in the village except for his, and wouldn't be until trapping brought in some money.

Years later he saw John on the street in Anchorage and asked him about it.

"Why the little kids, tho". You didn't really need them did you"

"Hell, no! Kids big damned bother, but I knew if I left you even one kid, you wouldn't come hunt with us. That was pretty good, wasn't it?"

and cackled like a fiend.


If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.