I got no dog in this fight, but from the outside looking in, I'd tell Idahoans to avoid the Bundy family like the plague. Nobody hates federal agency overreach worse than I do, so I am inclined to be obstructive to fed management incompetency. But looking back, the Bundy's and groupies like La Voy Finicum are guilty of bad judgement right down the line from the get go, from Bunkerville to Malheur, they had an agenda, a soapbox and didn't give a damn who got hurt as long as they were in front of a microphone or camera. Waving the flag, spouting semi religious clap trap, stirring up a bunch of well meaning dupes, is not my idea of activism. Especially when you can examine the history of confrontations with the feds and how that turned out, Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc.
Long before Malheur Occupy, I knew of the Hammond family when they ranched here in my home county, salt of the earth good people, and they didn't want any part of the Bundy's, asked the Bundy's to back off...but the Bundy's never wanted to let a crisis go to waste, and La Voy Finicum was shot, probably murdered. But the show must go on, right?

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.