I live ten minutes from a BPS. I don't go there anymore even for fishing gear. For fishing I go to a small shop in an old gas station that is family owned and been open for generations. When you walk in the door you are ten steps from everything you will ever need to fish my area. At BPS
You have to walk through ten aisles of hats, gummy bears and plastic shoes to get to twenty rows of junk gear only to find they are out of stock on
The two items you use here.
There aren't any hunting gear shops down my way so I always bought from Cabelas. I remember filling in their order form and calling in my order.
These days I find I order from many difference online sources. Mostly small retailers with no store fronts. Once in a while from bigger places like Natches or Midway. I got my pack from Scheels online. Probably isnt a Scheels store 1500 miles from me.

Life can be rough on us dreamers.