Originally Posted by David_Walter
After not hunting much for the last few years, I’m ramping up to hit it this year.

I live in the Pacific Northwest in Kennewick WA on the dry side of WA.

I’m looking for a general purpose hunting jacket. Temps range from 30-60*F and although this side is a desert, snow or rain is always in play.


Backpack or camper hunting.

David Walter,
What I said before about layering with wool isn't nearly as important still hunting near your camper. You've got shelter from rain. As to a particular camo for.bow season, I would look into this versatile pattern. It has the ability to show some green with strong light in a green season. It reverts to the browns and tan in winter like shown. If you want more green for warm months, go with the Mandrake version.
Always remember the trade offs and you will likely be a happy shopper.
Polyesters reflect more than natural fibers and most nylons. An identical pattern will reveal sooner with polyester than the exact same in the others. Dyes have something to do with it too, but fabric is most important.
Solid wool earth tones can be ghillied with vegetation tie ons. If you don't move, you'll remain unseen when set up right. Those are general rules with some exceptions.