Beavers wifey tossed out an “Omaha” audible and suggested we take our small family to the property instead of partying with family on the Coast.

Umm, okay, but why ? Wifey said dog boy, our Danner Boot, is still recovering from heat stroke that he suffered several days ago, plus he hates fireworks...Wifey wants a calm and quiet July 4th for her doggie.

I was okay with it, sorta, because at least my BlackStone Griddle that Flavor’s thread made me buy was supposed to be delivered...

Unfortunately, UPS fûck’s, didn’t get it done...I’m sans a griddle on the property with a barely ambulatory fur baby and a wife who thinks our first 4th of a July at the property will still be fun.

Only upside...I stuffed two coolers full of beverages, steaks, ribs and chicken.

Did I mention my griddle didn’t arrive.


Hope you have a good 4th, gents


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”