Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
Wasn't recommending Roundup, as much as just saying
"They are tough SOB's And you might need to keep an eye on them and
re-treat." If it was the electric line guys that hit mine, you know they weren't playing. And the darn things bounced right back.

Dillon, didn't take it that way but roundup kills the heck out of a lot of stuff. After a lot of online researching it seems the long term kill rate with Remedy Ultra and Triclopyr mixed with diesel is pretty good. I have seen some hills that had 12-18 yuccas in them and after a few months, there will be a new one trying to come up. Not sure if those are survivors or simply coming up from a buried seed. Hoping if I knock em back and get a good crop going they won't out compete it. This is my first yucca rodeo though so guess we'll see soon lol.

Keeps me out of the bars for now anyway.

Wabigoon, good point on crossing state lines with firewood.