Originally Posted by mirage243
Anyone who doesn't believe this election was completely fraudulent is a fuqking moron, the corruption goes all the way to the top, even the SC is completely corrupt.

A lot of them watch news outlets that completely filter any information not favorable to the Democrat Party. A third of Democrats polled never heard of Hunter Biden, let alone the laptop scandal, before the election. Then of course is all the big tech censorship. I have a sister who lives in Portland and it is literally bind boggling how little she knows about half the things we discuss here. She's not stupid though, she's just consuming engineered information. Honestly, I don't know what the answer to this is. I can't force people to watch another news source and as technology continues to grow, the Democrats will figure out how to filter information even more from people. I am worried though.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.