Originally Posted by John_Havard
The finest restaurant in town is The Marx Brothers Cafe. Best steak is at Club Paris (get your filet stuffed with blue cheese - trust me), take a walk (or run) on the coastal trail, drive down to Girdwood (Alyeska ski mountain town) and eat at the Double Musky (might see sheep and belugas at/near Beluga Point on your drive), order the sourdough pancakes for breakfast at the Captain Cook, watch the sun go down behind Mt. Susitna in the bar at Simon & Seaforts, try to find your favorite brew at Humpys, have a drink at F Street Station, eat a pizza at The Moose's Tooth restaurant (tell them your name is Rafael when checking in), shop at the Oomingmak Store.

Anchorage has unfortunately turned into a sh*t hole in the past few years thanks to incompetent "progressive" city leadership. But if you can overlook the bums on the streets around town the city still has some very nice things to offer.

At Club Paris the steaks are great, and the blue cheese is outstanding... the secret is to get it on the side. You get about twice as much...
At F Street Station you can get deep fried halibut in regular and Texas-size portions. Texas-sized is about half the regular size.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.