Update to the good neighbors comments lol. So after we installed the gate with the county's approval, one of the neighbors who never drives down the lane to my place complained that the county can't "give" the easement to me. Threatened legal action against the county even. So the county called me and is going to use their equipment to remove the posts we installed. Have to say if I see that neighbor in a ditch out there needing help, I'll drive by slowly.

I'll eventually stretch a few hundred yards of fence now in a north south direction and work with the petroleum guy to insure his trucks can gain access as needed. I'll say that I am fortunate to have a few good neighbors vs all good neighbors. Amazing how some people are. I offered the guy the code to the gate so he could drive down the county easement any time he wanted. Said he didn't want to get out of his truck lol. The easement goes 300 yards past my place and dead ends at the river. Had to vent, but dayum.

Back to killing yucca, locust, cedars, and working on food plots in a few weeks. Was pissed for a few days but need to move on now.