Originally Posted by Colorado1135
Tilling is good if you want to get rid of your soil structure, limit water infiltration and encourage weeds in an old food plot. Every time you till the soil you stir up the seed bank and encourage more stuff to germinate. It also breaks your soil structure, causing those smaller particles to pack tighter and decrease waster permeability. Spray it, mow it and notill into it is what I would do, and did for a living for a good while along with habitat restoration. I used to agree with the tillage crowd until I saw the light.

I would never use a tiller for beans and corn.
A disc works good to break up the soil from last years crap that sits on top esp corn stalks. Beans I just use a cultivator to loosen the ground.
Tiller might be ok for breaking sod, IDK I don't use one. For corn and beans it works better to get down in the ground with some ruffage on top.
Here we think about winter survival being just as important as hunting over the crop if not more so. Them grass crops would be covered with snow in no time here, which is why most of us plant RR corn. Has to be done right when a bag of RR ready corn is over $250.00

I would have got him too but a Dad Blam snow flake hit me in da eye....