Originally Posted by DMc
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
I'm impressed with the quality of stainless in their blades.
I don't remember model names, but have three.
One is the newest, around twenty years old and the smallest model. It can be carried past security in the court house with the one inch blade. It's handy but stays either on a key chain or zippered bag so it doesn't get lost.

Then there's the antique medium sized one.

The old vintage one is ancient and has some value when I checked years ago. It's huge, so it stays in the drawer to be used once in a while. Good quality and perfect condition. I think it was their largest model at that time.

The only bigger one was a cheap knock off I used camping as a kid. It had a fork, knife, spoon, ten other uses and a kitchen sink.

LOL I remember the fork and spoon model. ...or was that a boy scout knife?

It was marketed to scouts, but the quality wasn't close to Wenger or Victorinox. It did the jobs and held up surprisingly well for the five plus years to be handed onto my brother. It was the opposite extreme of the UL titanium backpacking supplies today. Back then we'd brag on who had the heaviest backpack.

This evening I had a chance to use my tiny one to remove the stem on a couple of awesome pineapples that just happened to show up one more time. These are a variety that are picked fresh. I'll need to use a bigger one to have a piece for lunch.
That thin blade is the easiest stainless to sharpen and hold an edge. Admittedly the toughest use is for opening plastic clam shell cases. But I never saw one break or wear out as a daily user. The one thing is the scale fell off one. A dab of glue was a permanent fix. The original multitool.