Originally Posted by JeffP
Dying no. Evolving yes.

Yes there have always been the stupidest of arguments. But they draw the most views. Maybe we all get caught up in ourselves and just have to get our own jab in . I know I am guilty at times.
Just start a leupold thread a 270 sucks thread or take the jab. , don’t take the jab thread....

I do miss the Allen Day era .... There was a real wealth of hunting experience and knowledge here. And we talked a lot more about hunting. But admittedly, that was also a different country then . There is a blanket that covers the campfire. And I think we like minded fraternity of gun loving, USA loving , freedom loving peoples are under huge stress of watching the country we love being turned into another socialist nation. Maybe there is displaced anger?....

We are an accumulation of our own life experiences. It’s inevitable there would be a clash of generations and technology changing how we live our lives .
90% of the confrontational conversations here would never take place face to face. And I am convinced most folks here never talk to others face to face the way some do here .

Nothing stays the same. That is always a constant .
I like that post.

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