Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Oh, my, there's actually more. Bailey's an operative.
The part I find interesting is this:

Prior to joining Pheasants Forever, Bailey was a senior consult/field coordinator for Montana Hunters and Anglers Action! where he worked to promote Montana’s hunting heritage and outdoors future.

Montana Hunters and Anglers Action is a dark money operation run by Barret Kaiser, Max Baucus (D) former chief of staff. And there's affiliation there with BACKCOUNTRY Hunters and Anglers. But the goal is to split off "hunter and angler" leftard Fudds away from the NRA/conservative/sportsmen/women Republican orbit. MHAA exists only to pump out political ads where communists in camo slag on Republican candidates. So Dan Bailey is a total Dem operative, part of the Montana network of Greens.


Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty