Redneck: I qualified 4 times a year for 9 years right next to 19 (20 position pistol range) other officers at a time firing factory ammunition out of their issued Glock Model 22's in 40 S&W and I NEVER saw a "kaboom"!
Not only that in all of those thousands of rounds I was seeing shot and shot myself I saw only 1 (ONE!) F.T.F. and that occurred as a 95 pound "police woman" who "limp wristed" her Glock - and the range officer immediately ceased fire for all on the line and fired the Glock pistol immediately and repeatedly himself with NO problems. Instruction was given to the 95 pound "affirmitive action" officer (who by the way was required by the State of Washington to sit on a 4" thick pillow/pad when driving all vehicles!).
Anyway after instruction she had no more F.T.F.'s.
Over those 9 years I was using the Glocks and qualifying with them I am sure our department (1,100 officers at the times) fired several hundred thousand rounds (maybe a million?) of factory ammunition through those 1,100 Glock Model 22's and never a "kaboom" was reported!
I think your concerns are greatly over-rated and your contention regarding the Glock Model 22's is greatly undeserved.
In short "bad mouthing" Glock Model 22's in 40 S&W by you is falling on "deaf ears" of this VERY experienced Glock shooter/enthusiast as I have been using/shooting/buying them for 30 plus years now!
And some other models for going on 40 years now.
To each their own I guess?
Long live Glock.
Hold into the wind