700's - unlikely. They made too many of them and clones abound.

I get rather blueprinting a 700 vs a clone - you're losing your butt on resale regardless but at least you KNOW it's true. Some so called clones that are supposed to be GTG - are you sure? If you check it and it's wrong - then it's "he said/he said" between mfg and gunsmith - goes on for a while, either they pay to have the gsmith true it or send a replacement. More time wasted. Or you can just blue print a 700 and be done and KNOW.

I don't think the 700's increase. Mostly because I don't see an older 700 being appreciably better than a "new" 700 from new owners. They're going to be close in quality. Pre-64 vs a 68 Win M70 - there were major differences in just how it was made, much less some perceived quality. (crf vs PF)
