Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by LazyL0228
Sounds like she had the better lawyer if he has to keep working after 30yr.

You’d need a super-duper lawyer to get out of that in Texas, here your retirement isn’t income, it’s a shared investment with your spouse ie. she already owns a percentage of it dependent upon how many years you were married. Of course FWIW you own part of hers too.

Heck the same thing works with Social Security if you’ve been married just ten years.

Only way out IIRC is if she legally remarries. Not much chance of that happening.

Per spousal / exspouse Social Security benefit. -- the spousal benefit is approxamatly half the primary receipts and in addition to, NOT half OF. The primary still gets their full benefit and also works the same for both. Upon the death of the primary the surviving spouse / exspouse has the option to draw their own benefit or the deceased spouse full benefit amount.