I was babysitting my 2 year old boy and I took him out dove hunting with a buddy. The plan was buddy would walk down this dry wash and kick the birds to me and my boy (in diapers) while blocking the riverbed flyway. Solid plan until I stepped on a yellow jacket nest on the bank and all hell broke loose. Pissed off hornets doesn't describe it. They poured out of that hole and swarmed me and my little boy, biting like crazy.

I had to run to get away from the swarm while cradling my young son. 100 yards away, across a plowed field sat my car and I started running. The only sanctuary from the yellowjackets hammering us with bites. I tossed my shot gun down so I could brush of the yellowjackets from son's tender arms and back, meanwhile I can feel them biting me everywhere as I ran.

Had a bad reaction. Still get the shivers from it. I had about 50 bites, baby had 10.

Edited to add son had [bleep] his diaper and it was running down my arm as I ran across that field.