Sherry -

Your email addy is getting kicked back and the cellular is going straight to voice mail...I will be home all night and if you want I can just set the pass for you tonight I just need how your name reflects on your Texas Drivers License. You can check the flights at CO for which ones you want to go out on tomorrow - as relayed earlier it is stand by but most of them look pretty good. If you get stuck in Houston gimmie a holler and I will put you up for the night at my humble abode. The flights look good so far so if you can at least post here then I can follow your instructions as far as name spelling and flights you want to travel out on etc. and I will post your confirmation number on line as well. It is easy to travel just check in at the ticket counter with the confirmation number and from there the agent will finish getting you settled in for the flight. My work can reach me pretty much 24/7 so if all else call BaseOps and they can get me as well. Let me know asap as the reservation is a matter of pressing a few keys. TLee's son traveled over a year ago and had no trouble whatsoever with it so let me know.


Don't be afraid to say what you are not afraid to think