
I VERY much enjoy,how your Mind Numbing STUPIDITY,is no "Act"...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

You Drooling DUMBfhuqks are a hoot! It is fhuqking fascinating,that a piece of brass,set of dies and a barrel can soooooooo very reliably stump you CLUELESS Kchunts. Then trumpets sound and "Magic Scissors" appear,with a doilie to THE "Rescue"! Hint. Fhuqking LAUGHING!

The only thing you Crying Karens "shoot",is your mouths and Imaginations. It is funnier than fhuqk,that you wish to PROVE same,with a Woke Melting Snowflake Victim Routine. Read that again. Now one more time. Hint.

I could give less than ZERO fhuqks about a chamber drawing,though undoubtedly you'd need a map to find the schitter. Why in the fhuqk would I measure anything,when I can place a datum anywhere I wish,with brass of repute and mechanical index of same,in relation to positive headspace. Does your Fhuqktardedness "tell" you that it "matters" if it's an OEM offa' da' shelf Rifle or Custom? DO "elaborate" and spare no "details",because it will be funnier than fhuqk if you "try". Dare ya'. PLEASE use all of the slack on the rope,you "think" you can "handle". Hint. Fhuqking LAUGHING!

Lemme fuel your DUMBfhuqktitude even further. OEM positive headspace ala 260 Virgins. HINT.

[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]
[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]

Joe Average sure in the fhuqk ain't very bright and I appreciate you Fhuqktards reiterating same,if only obliviously. Hint.

Bless your heart for trying though.


Fhuqking LAUGHING!.................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."