After some 27 years, last Sunday @ 8pm EST I turned my back on a career in academia, specifically as an admin monkey at one of six law school libraries in Boston, MA. My only regret is not jumping the stinking, hardcore liberal cesspool masquerading as a pillar of higher ed a decade earlier. The relief and sense of release is overwhelming and truly magnificent in ways hard to accurately express. The last straw, ironically, was being told that any employee who wasn't fully 'vaccinated' on August 16 would face termination. Not to worry, I wrote in my resignation. My last day will be August 15. On to bigger and better things. Some of us won't roll over on what we believe in, hold dear and will put their dough and careers on the line over. Your institution believed everyone would fall into formation and like good lemmings would do as we were told. You were wrong, at least in some cases. See ya, wouldn' want to be ya. Next life stage coming up, and I'm ready, willing and able to crush it. FU SULS and everything you represent. Free at last and all that...