Given the state of "Science" in this age, where over 50% of "peer reviewed studies" aren't reproducible, it's cute that you think a read-through by folks who are aligned with the politics of the author constitutes a "peer review".

When "Science" is less repeatable and reliable than a coin flip, and "Science" is funded by government grants, trusting and believing "Science" equals a religious experience for laypeople who fancy themselves to be intelligent. Pardon those of us who have a clue about applied science for not buying in.

Originally Posted by Steve Redgwell
Originally Posted by mitchellmountain

It’s a 50000+ Patient study put together by one of the most prestigious and respected health care institutions in the US. If that doesn’t effect policy, they are not interested in what the science has to say.

Well, you should know soon. It has yet to be peer reviewed. That's the final hurdle.