(From the WHO)

Heard about it this am.. Ohhhhhh, it's gonna be BAD BAD BAD, since it's a variant the vax doesn't protect against..


The World Health Organization is monitoring a new coronavirus variant called “mu,” which the agency says has mutations that have the potential to evade immunity provided by a previous Covid-19 infection or vaccination.

Mu — also known by scientists as B.1.621 — was added to the WHO’s list of variants “of interest” on Aug. 30, the international health organization said in its weekly Covid epidemiological report published late Tuesday.

The variant contains genetic mutations that indicate natural immunity, current vaccines or monoclonal antibody treatments may not work as well against it as they do against the original ancestral virus, the WHO said. The mu strain needs further study to confirm whether it will prove to be more contagious, more deadly or more resistant to current vaccines and treatments.


Gotta keep that FEAR goin'... Especially rampant just before the election so they can ensure most voting (er, ah, CHEATING) will be by mail-in votes...

Just watch..

Ex- USN (SS) '66-'69