We (WASP - White Angelo Saxon Protestants) also had some campaigns organized by our Washington royalty to exterminate bison to weaken and disperse our native Americans. Similarly, but not intentional: When canneries ran out of salmon stock on our PNW streams, they moved to BC and Alaska and dammed, diked, and trapped entire salmon runs at the mouths of rivers with no thought of upstream villages needing the same to endure subsequent winter. Entire communities perished.

When Oregon became a state, one of the stipulations was there would be no dams in rivers supporting anadromous fish. That one sure went by the wayside. For the last 40 years I lived to spend 2 to 3 weeks angling for steelhead in our Columbia tributaries. That fishery is closed now with runs down to about 15% of historic numbers. I suspect Idaho has adopted the same regulations.

Writers describing Africa in the late 1800's painted pictures of landscapes almost completely devoid of game. Rinderpest (accompanying cattle from India) seriously ravaged all of the hoofed wildlife. Fortunately, there were some individuals with the genetics capable of weathering that storm and there was some recovery. One does not see seasonal migrations, however, that cover entire valleys and take days to pass.

As to wounded waste. Even the briefest reading of Teddy Roosevelt's outings

Given economic opportunity, I don't think there is a noble race on our planet.

Last edited by 1minute; 09/08/21.
