I don't think Beto has a chance in hell of making it in politics ever again. His agenda has done him in. He thought he could make a splash as a radical and was well funded by rich radicals.

As for Abbott, there are arguments both ways. he is just a Governor and Obama and his minions in the judicial System made it clear during his reign that Governors were not to interfere in Federal business of border protection or lack thereof. Abbott has made a lot of noise but has had little effect on the disaster we are in. Had I been in his shoes I would've challenged the Federal authority and pushed it to the Supreme Court. We have been allowed to be invaded by malicious intent and all the States will suffer because of it. We are all in this mess together even if it initially effects Texas. if they manage to turn this state blue there will never be another election won by anyone but a liberal Communist.

Cornyn and his like in all the other states have been able to remain in power for so long because they are well funded and the laws they have supported have allowed them to retain their power while discouraging any challenge.