If I knew now what I didn't know then, I would have done things Different!
Almost the same age, had 5, Meniscus surgeries done, 3 on one, and 2 on the other!
I do wear the Elastic, compression braces, as needed.
The thing is, once you cut out the frayed material from the meniscus, it doesn't grow back!
Instead, it leaves a gap, that is a constant problem down the road, as it's constantly filling with Arthritis!
If Stem Cell Research was available back then, I would have gone that route!
My friend had it and it's amazing!
As soon as my surgeries were done, I felt great, WALAH!
The main problem was that by removing the cushioning material from the joint, it
promoted, the 'BONE ON BONE" Wear and Tear, so now I'm a candidate for knee Replacement,
As My wife reminds me to walk straight and not Bow Legged! JMO!!!

I Learned a long time ago to Separate My Want's from My Needs!

A man's Gotta Do What a Man's Gotta Do!

Know Thy Self!