Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
You seem to know a lot about our country. What’s your country done besides take away your guns and let you out the house 3 hours per day? I have no idea who your President is or if you have a President, PM or something else? Any famous people in Australia besides that guy from Crocodile Dundee back in the 80’s? Do you export any products that I’d know by name or brand? Your a country famous for sheep and kangaroos.

No, that covers most of it. You guys are sharp - can't get away with anything with you guys.

And yet here you are on an American forum. I don’t give a rats behind about what you have going on in a country as globally insignificant as Australia. Certainly not enough to spend any of my time on your hunting forums.

International forum.

And your panties are in a knot.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.