Originally Posted by joken2

Many catalytic converter thieves tend to operate in an organized fashion and 'specialize' in certain types of vehicles and where parked, and when the 'heat' starts getting too intense they back off for a while or else leave the area and start up elsewhere.

Around here they seem to much prefer stealing from business vehicles rather than private, especially box trucks. A little while back the box trucks belonging to Habitat for Humanity in a nearby town, which is located in an area with no private residences nearby, low traffic at night and minimal street lighting, had the catalytic converters stolen off them back-to-back times.

They're bigger and therefore more valuable, I suppose. Then there's the added bonus of business vehicles tending to fleets parked in one place.

A few months back they got 5 from the city box trucks at our Denver facility (one of those strip-warehouse deals with dozens of businesses and no fence). They park the trucks inside the warehouse now.

Haul ass, haul ass! - Pappy