We can kill 2 bucks and 10 does, but I dont know anyone that ever does it. My family of four only goes through about 3 for deer a year. No reason for us to shoot more. You got people that want you to kill them a deer but then dont want to pay for the processing. Only time I give some away is if I still have one in the freezer from the season before once the upcoming season starts. I stopped feeding them, hogs ate most of it and hang around to much and the deer seem to hate them.

As far as 500 dollar hogs, I dont see the big deal. Those guides usually have some really nice thermal scopes and setups, doing this at night before they have to go to real job in the am, etc. I've gotten plenty of pms considering my location about hog hunts and folks willing to pay. I dont have the time..but if I did and someone wanted to give me 500 bucks, I wouldnt feel bad about it one bit. Funny, I've run across 3 different pigs that were 450-550lbs, every time all I had was a shotgun with me with rabbit or either turkey loads. We have one my son calls the couch pig, because when we walked up on him we though someone dumped a black couch on the property.

Last edited by killerv; 09/28/21.