Originally Posted by alpinecrick

Two brothers I know; one has the Redding, the other the RCBS, and their father has the newer Lyman. Both brothers say if they had to buy another turret press they would buy the Lyman and save the extra cash. I don't know if the Lyman will remain as tight, nor how long it will last compared to the Redding and RCBS

I've heard good things about the Lyman as well. My only complaint would be country of manufacture.

I just ordered 5 discs for my Lee Classic 4-hole turret. It cost me roughly $55. If I had the Redding, it would have cost me $400. Not sure it would be worth the money, I'm sure there is a point of diminished returns, but I'm not sure where it is between a T-7 and a Lee Classic.

24HCF in its entirety, is solely responsible for why my children do not have college funds, my mortgage isn't paid-off and why I will never retire early enough to enjoy the remainder of my life.