Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by xxclaro
Just theoretically thought of something.....theoretical. I use Xylitol a fair bit, and it comes with warnings that even small doses can be fatal to dogs/cats. In theory this should also apply to foxes/coyotes, I would think. Should one ever be faced with such a problem (god forbid), it might be pressed into service, since cyanide and strychnine are not readily available to the lowly Canadian peasant.

I’ve heard that xylitol is hell on wolves. But it’s hearsay.

Don’t be sensitive on the worshipping the queen remark, not everyone reads or is familiar with posters’ locals

I missed the remark entirely, but no worries I'm neither terribly sensitive nor overly attached to the queen. In fact, its rather annoying to see public land marked "Her Majesty the Queen" or some such nonsense. Probably a perfectly fine woman, but what has she done for me lately?
As for wolves....well, we do have more of those than we need. I prefer not to cause undue suffering when its not necessary, and I'm not sure how quick the stuff would kill, but it sounds like its quite lethal. Thankfully it's all just theoretical and thought experiments, so no reason for anyone to be alarmed.