Originally Posted by dubePA
Most dogs learn human's routines. Can usually tell what you're doing and relate it to the normal daily routine.

Our lab knows she gets fed around 3 to 4 PM every afternoon. Morning is no problem, Fugger wakes up loud and hungry, but she adapts to my morning schedule and never yaps in the morning until I'm up and put the coffee on, then it's time to yap for her chow.

She knows several words. Hungry, bed time, go out, etc. Thumps hell outta her SS water dish with a paw, if it's empty and she's thirsty.

damned Labs...LOL
Our male gets testy about 4:50PM for the 5'O feeding.
Female drives the SS water bowl across the slate the second she drinks it all and continues until we refill.
They both also know to keep their traps shut in the early AM until I have coffee in hand.