I don’t have much luck with the no-till method. I’ve tried it a couple of times, but didn’t get good results. Establishing new vs existing plots is a different process for me. On new, I chemical burn, till, plant larger seeds, drag (or harrow), then broadcast the tiny seeds. I plant wheat, oats, soybeans, chicory, clover and some rape. I then frost seed clover in February/early March in those plots because they get hammered over the winter. By the following fall, they become really nice clover plots. I maintain them through the summer by eradicating grasses with Clethodim.

I’m going to try the no-till method on a few again next year. I think the areas I’ve tried had too much vegetation to begin with. We’ll see what happens.

I enjoy handguns and I really like shotguns,...but I love rifles!