Exactly. A lot of businesses and employers want these mandates. They wanted to implement them themselves but were afraid of their workforce quitting. With federal-backing, even just the bluff, they can implement the mandates themselves without fear because they suppose the workers will capitulate their opposition as hopeless, and the mandates as inevitable. If the employers were against the mandates, they would resist them. It's as easy as ignoring the bluff. The ones not resisting are the ones that support them and want them. Jabbed workers take less sick time off. They're more obedient. The employers don't care about long-term effects. They care about quarterly results. Worst case outcome long-term is just less pension fund liability. Again, if they don't like the mandate, they will resist. If they're not resisting, it's because they're for it.

It's naive to think that Biden is driving an agenda that is unilaterally formed by a social democratic Progressive ideology. It's laughable that there is any of the kind of morality behind it that his speech belies:

"The vast majority of Americans are doing the right thing. Nearly three quarters of the eligible have gotten at least one shot, but one quarter has not gotten any. That’s nearly 80 million Americans not vaccinated. And in a country as large as ours, that’s 25 percent minority. That 25 percent can cause a lot of damage — and they are."

Big business that the Republicans are always accused of catering to has regularly been able to get at least as many favors from the left as from the right. They're almost always the beneficiaries of massive deficit spending, "infrastructure," and even so-called 'social' spending. They are the beneficiaries of welfare statism. The recipients of "checks" can't save anything under inflationary monetary policies, and most of the result of their consumption ends up in the landfill. The lasting impact shows up in the earnings and profits of whatever corporations are in position to benefit from the redistributive policies. The mandate bluff doesn't have a moral impetus.

So who is the real tyrant? The federal government or the employers that got a pass to make a mandate risk-free and now consider the matter settled. Jab or walk. Is that tyranny? When a business makes the mandate? Can companies tyrannize if they don't have the faculty of physical force? I suppose they're tyrannical about a lot of their other policies too then like disarming their workers. Maybe stop working for tyrants?