Originally Posted by luv2safari
John Kerry is being groomed to take over.

Biden will resign in the near future.

Kerry will assume #2.

Camel Toe will resign for health reasons (avoid a deep-state whack).

Kerry will assume #1.

Hiawatha will get #2.

We get fugged.

Interesting scenario, but Kerry does not need to be groomed. He's been groomed his entire life and remains un-electable because frankly he's not a likable person. Consider this: How many democrats are likable? Who could draw even 10% of Trump's rallies? (80,000 strong.) Are there any that could draw 1% to a public political rally? Where are the T-shirts, hats, flags for any democrat? Anyone notice the trolls on here never espouse the virtues of a particular "D" candidate? They only seek to demonize President Trump, never offering an alternative. There's a number of likable Republican politicians. Jorden, Nunes, Chaffetz, Bachmann, DeSantis, etc. Yet, I don't see a rallying cry for any democrat waiting in the wings. Perhaps I'm just blind to it.

But democrats hold majorities in both the House and Senate. Even a blind person could see there's an undeniable disproportionate imbalance.

Make Gitmo Great Again!!
Who gave the order to stop counting votes in the swing states on the night of November 3/4, 2020?