Treating one’s clothing and boots, along with your pack with permethrin spray will keep the little bastards off; it actually kills them if they get on you. I’ve not had a single one on me since I began using it a few years ago. They remain active here pretty much year-round. If you sit on the ground or handle a deer with them on it, they will find you.

Have always bought the Sawyers brand, but recently went with a gallon jug of multi-use (including clothing) that was a lot cheaper. A treatment lasts about six weeks or six launderings.

A tick bite can really mess up your life. The Lone Star tick is expanding its territory and one consequence of a bite can be an intolerance for red meat. My vet had that, and though it usually gets better, it ain’t what a feller with a freezer full of venison needs.

FWIW, the doe I killed a couple of weeks ago was tick-free, unusual here.

Last edited by Pappy348; 10/10/21.

What fresh Hell is this?