Last speeding ticket I received, probably close to 20 years ago now, was leaving Rawlins, WY. Only reason I remember the place. Genuine Barney Fife clone, hand on pistol the whole time even though I pulled over, rolled down all windows on the Tahoe, shut off the engine, wife and daughter in the backseat, wife was doing needle point, daughter still in a car seat!
After sliding up to my window “SWAT style” and getting my license, registration, and insurance info, sat in his car for 20 minutes. Finally came back, lectured me on being 7 miles over the limit in a “residential area” (believe there was a trailer park within view) on a Sunday morning when families could be out enjoying themselves, and presented the ticket.
I played the “yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir” game until he asked me to identify the young girl in my back seat. My answer of “it’s our daughter, who the hell do you think it is?” was not particularly well received. He asked if I had any other questions or comments, better judgement prevailed, and I left it with, “absolutely nothing that would be helpful at this time.”