Originally Posted by 1minute
I don't see a supply turn around until there's a dominant party reversal at the national level. If one is not stocked up, it's a matter of panic buying if a box shows up. Given the inflation we're seeing too, if there is a recovery we'll still be paying 30 to 40% more. Seriously glad I'm not a youngster just entering the shoot sports. There'd be no way.

Fortunately, I'm stocked for ammo and components well enough to get through a decade or so. Unfortunately, I'm also old.

I agree the future looks bleak for ammo. In less then two years the Russian supply ends. Plus inflation will only accelerate, eventually leading to "Price Controls" which totally shuts off supply, other then "Black Market". With the "Mid-term" elections coming up, there will be more and more jabbering about gun control, and signing for the purchase of ammo.

ALASKA is a "HARD COUNTRY for OLDMEN". (But if you live it wide'ass open, balls'to the wall, the pedal floored, full throttle, it is a delightful place, to finally just sit-back and savor those memories while sipping Tequila).