What bewilders me is people waiting for a "GOOD" deal on ammo and powder and primers. Now if all the store have shelves bending with the weight of abundant ammo, and a substantial number of stores were have big weekend sales events, then I could envision the potential for super good deals.

But if the shelves are empty, and prices are up from pre-shortage, and raw material costs are rocketing from inflation and supply chain disruption......what is to be gained by waiting. Only higher prices, and maybe what you need is "Never" ever available.

And this is "Only" ammo......not like it is something important like food or fuel.

ALASKA is a "HARD COUNTRY for OLDMEN". (But if you live it wide'ass open, balls'to the wall, the pedal floored, full throttle, it is a delightful place, to finally just sit-back and savor those memories while sipping Tequila).