Blade guards get in the way too much.
Push sticks keep the fingers out of danger.

Slummy, I do put up with them on a circular saw.
Too much a pita to wait for the blade to stop to set it down.
Got pretty good at holding it back while cutting in tight uses.

Most people I know who get cut, just flat stick their body and saw together.
Numerous fingers ripped from nail down, thighs cut with a circular saw
using the thigh as a table.

Other day, I was worried about Old DB. He was putting up a chair rail for
Mrs Buck. I'm a proficient chainsaw and sledge carpenter.
Truthfully, as a carpenter, im a dam good Truckdriver.

The only tool for this job was a battery circular saw.
That didn't work great.

So a bench belt/disc sander was employed.

Still, the cuts in that trim were sketchy. Darn close to the fingers holding
the guard back so I could see.

Trying to sand a 3/8" thick return, cut oversize out of necessity, to fit was
tough. Only lost a little fingernail and skin.

Results were way better than expected.
Have seen a lot of pro work that wasn't as good. (Dam shame, that)

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!