Love my Impact, it’s scoped with a fixed 4x, killed some nice bucks with it last couple years but think I’m going traditional this year with a TC Hawken 54 and round ball.

Mine likes BH209 and Win 209’s like others have suggested, but don’t overlook other powders. I picked up some Allianz Black MZ at Sportsman’s warehouse on close out and it does pretty well.

I use the harvester sabots as they seat better and are more accurate. 240XTPs killed well but exits were not common, switched to Speer 270 Gold Dots, got exits, but lackluster bloodtrails. I want to try 300 XTP’s next.

Stuck in airports, Terrorized
Sent to meetings, Hypnotized
Over-exposed, Commercialized
Handle me with Care...
-Traveling Wilbury's