Our factory hasn't been too badly affected. We have had problems with
resin components, but the delays weren't bad. We have had orders pushed back because customers couldn't get necessary components to utilize the
product we would ship.

Ironically, we export way more to China than we import. At least direct. One of the biggest product lines pushed back, goes to China.
But, I'm pretty sure they play games. The week Trump
started his trade war with them, they pushed back orders, canceled them.
The whole time it went in the would mice orders up, push some back.
Basically screwing with us and keeping orders as small as possible.
Right after they settled things down, orders returned to normal.
They were pressuring us to pressure politicians. Just like they did farmers.

Trucks, have been a common issue. Both in getting things in from domestic producers, and out.
Our shipping guy often can't get any.

We are small, and lazy.
The big boys aren't interested in our 3 or 4 whole truckloads per week.
Our shipper has a couple smaller companies he relies on, and doesn't
look past them. That probably plays into it.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!